Stern School of Business
MULT-UB 39 Entrepreneurship 2.0:
Entrepreneurship 2.0 studies the process to launch and build a company. The students will form startup teams to brainstorm business ideas, research and test their products, and create a business summary for a live presentation to the class.
Stern School of Business
MGMT-UB 85 Patterns of Entrepreneurship (Offered Fall '23):
This course is designed to provide a broad survey of concepts and skills that will benefit aspiring entrepreneurs, as well as students who want to work in a startup, think and behave entrepreneurially within the confines of a more mature organization, or invest in, or consult, to new ventures. Topics covered include: entrepreneurship as a career option; characteristics of successful startups and entrepreneurs; techniques for generating, identifying, and evaluating new venture and franchising opportunities; assembling and managing start-up teams; raising startup capital; protecting intellectual property; and learning how to pitch your new venture idea.
School of Professional Studies
ADAV1-UC 1010 Designing Data: Infographics:
This course focuses on how to merge data, technology, and design in order to convey exciting, engaging, and informative imagery for a wide variety of businesses and organizations. Students learn how to gather data, identify significant “story” points, and use digital design tools to create infographics for target audiences.
School of Professional Studies
MASY1-GC 3310 Strategic Management of Technological Innovation:
This course is designed to enable the potential manager to deal with the demands of strategic planning in a technology-driven organization. It addresses such concerns as minimizing the R&D cycle, assuring smooth transition from design to production, innovation streams, and technology and business strategy.
School of Professional Studies
ISMM1-UC 710 Project & Innovation Management:
This course focuses on how to use project management methodologies and tools within the information systems development process. Students learn how to control project budgets and completion schedules, how to motivate the project team for greater productivity, and how to avoid potential people problems.
School of Professional Studies
HSASU-UC 41 Integrated Marketing: Innovation and Strategy:
This course, for high school students, will briefly touch upon the new role of interactive and digital marketing, and the critical part they play in today's business environment.
School of Professional Studies
HSASU-UC 64 Entrepreneurial Problem Solving:
This course aims to prove that everyone can learn how to find solutions to problems that may ultimately develop into successful businesses, which can create change in our world. This class is social and interactive in nature.
School of Professional Studies
School of Professional Studies
GCOM1-GC 3015 Pro Sem: Entrepreneurial Thinking:
Offers a dynamic study of entrepreneurial thinking and how it applies to successful ventures and alliances in the graphic communications industry. Topics include: conception, start-up, growth stage, managing resources and long-range planning.
School of Professional Studies
TCSM1-UC 1050 Entrepreneurship in Sports:
Students develop an idea for a sports business and then determine whether or not the idea is feasible. Special emphasis is placed on discovering and evaluating opportunities, developing appropriate business concepts; determining and acquiring needed resources, and managing the start-up and growth phases of new business creation.