Stern School of Business
MKTG-GB 2171 Innovation & Design:
The course structure will focus on a process used to describe a way of thinking and set of deliverables associated with creative concept exploration in product, digital, and/or environment design projects. Each week, the course will represent the phases conducted by an innovation consulting firm to synthesize real-time research, and approach ideation and investigation on parallel tracks.
Stern School of Business
MGMT-UB 8 Managing Innovation (Offered Fall '23):
The course addresses questions like: How is design thinking impacting our understanding of strategy and organization design? What roles do the project, middle and senior management play in the innovation process? How do you decide which ideas are worth pursuing? How do firms choose among multiple attractive innovation projects? What are the best ways to protect a firm’s intellectual property?
Stern School of Business
INFO-UB 70 Digital Innovation & Crowdsourcing:
This course explores new ways in which traditional firms as well as start-ups can become more innovative in today’s global economy by tapping into digital platforms and expertise residing outside traditional firm boundaries.
Stern School of Business
ECON-UB 219 Great Entrepreneurs:
This course will examine the manifold aspects of great entrepreneurship through the biographies of representative innovators.
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Stern School of Business
OPMG-UB 60 Real Estate Development and Entrepreneurship (Offered Fall '23):
This course will introduce students to the operating process of real estate development from an entrepreneurial perspective.
Stern School of Business
MULT-UB 86 Entrepreneurship & Law in Practice (Offered Fall '23):
The course is designed around two games: the law game and the entrepreneurship game. The entrepreneurship game focuses on the legal and financial issues an entrepreneur considers in starting a business. The law game simulates a civil trial from inception to end.
Stern School of Business
MULT-UB 66 Advanced Social Entrepreneurship:
This is an advanced seminar for students who have taken the introductory course on social entrepreneurship, or have focused on similar course work in past study. Each student is responsible for developing an original blueprint for social innovation: a creative proposal for solving a societal problem.
Stern School of Business
BSPA-UB 41 Social Entrepreneurship (Offered Fall '23):
In this course students will have the opportunity to find and test new ideas and solutions to social problems, create sustainable business models (using lean startup principles), identify funding options and alternatives, learn how to measure social impact as well as scale/grow a social enterprise to name a few.
Stern School of Business
MULT-UB 40 Entrepreneurship for The New Economy:
This course discusses how the Internet has created a truly global and completely interconnected world economy. It focuses on the dynamics of this new business environment and the steps necessary to build a business in a Web 2.0 economy.