Tandon School of Engineering
MG-GY 7733 Services Innovation:
This course examines how value creation occurs in a range of fast-growing services sectors, including retailing, hospitality, financial services, professional services, travel, logistics and healthcare. This course focuses especially on high-value services.
Tandon School of Engineering
MG-GY 7743 Advanced Trends in Technology Management and Innovation:
This course explores several trends that have emerged in the technology management and innovation arena in the past decade.
Tandon School of Engineering
BT-GY 7033 Business Concepts for the Biotechnology Entrepreneur:
This course focuses on the prospective entrepreneur with interest in biotechnology/biomedical products with emphasis placed on starting and sustaining a successful life science enterprise.
Tandon School of Engineering
MG-GY 8743 Entrepreneurial Marketing and Sales:
This course focuses in depth on critical marketing and sales challenges facing entrepreneurial firms. An underlying theme is that successful innovative enterprises must be deeply familiar with relevant markets and must effectively cultivate and reach those markets.
Tandon School of Engineering
MG-GY 8741 Introduction to Entrepreneurial Marketing and Sales:
This course introduces critical marketing and sales challenges facing entrepreneurial firms. An underlying theme is that successful innovative enterprises must be deeply familiar with relevant markets and must effectively cultivate and reach those markets.
Tandon School of Engineering
MG-GY 8713 Entrepreneurial Finance:
This course focuses in detail on the financial requirements of entrepreneurial ventures and on different sources of finance available to entrepreneurs. It also examines the unique roles played by retail banks, investment banks, VCs, angels, internal sources of capital and incubators.
Tandon School of Engineering
MG-GY 8711 Introduction to Entrepreneurial Finance:
This course is briefly introduces the financial requirements of entrepreneurial ventures and different sources of finance available to entrepreneurs. The course presents fundamentals for assessing various entrepreneurial financial strategies.
Tandon School of Engineering
MG-UY 4514 Honors Capstone Project in Technology, Innovation and/or Information Management and Entrepreneurship I:
In this course, qualified honors students work with a faculty member (and perhaps graduate students) on an advanced topic in technology, innovation and/or information management or entrepreneurship.
A/B Testing
An experimentation platform that enables personalization across websites, mobile apps and connected devices.
Wordpress is an online publishing platform that powers more than 26% of the web.