Entrepreneurial Institute

The 3D Printing Pipeline at NYU

There are a tremendous amount of resources available at the Leslie eLab and NYU in general to help you develop a physical prototype. Normally developing a tangible device is prohibitively expensive, but many of these resources are available for free or heavily subsidized by the university.

Your steps to building a prototype at NYU

1) Attend a training session. The first step for an aspiring entrepreneur looking to develop a prototype should be the recurring Prototyping Lab trainings on Thursdays at 6:30pm. This quick session will familiarize you with the tools and procedures of the lab as well as the Lab Guardians who are available to help troubleshoot your projects.

2) Attend a class or workshop. From the Leslie eLab, we host a variety of classes and workshops to help you develop your prototyping skills. Previously held talks include: 3D modeling, intro to Arduinos, as well as laser cutting Halloween masks.

3) Schedule time in the Prototyping Lab. It's easy to see the availability of the Prototyping Lab online.

4) Print your Prototype. It's free to use the 3D printers in the Prototyping Lab as long as they are for a startup prototype. Once you've developed the model and everything checks out, the printers at NYU's new LaGuardia Studio have a cost associated with them but at a price heavily subsidized by the university.

Makerbot Replicator

Stratasys Mojo

LaGuardia's High-end Printers

Description: The easiest way to get from 3D model to print The next step up in terms of quality and speed Using the best materials and capable of printing in multiple colors in a single print, these are amazing machines
Perfect for:
  • First steps of prototyping
  • Validating models
  • Learning how to 3D design
  • Most final projects
  • Functional pieces (threaded components etc)
  • Final prints of a previously tested model
  • Prints requiring a stronger material
  • Models for showing investors
Example Prints:
