Government healthcare datasets

Thanks to MIT Hacking Medicine for dataset summaries and links:

Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (CDC): Survey of behavioral factors.

Center for Biomedical Informatics and Information Technology: Bioinformatics.

Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services Cost Report Data: Shows the cost of delivering Medicare/Medicaid services at different types of facilities.

CMS Performance Data: Part C and Part D satisfaction, clinical (chronic, wellness), health entity responsiveness and determines reimbursement rates.

Country Health Rankings: Health indicators at the country level.

Health Information Technology and Health Data Standards: Provides some standards for exchanging health data.

Hospital Quality Comparison: Produced by the CMS to show satisfaction ratings from surveys at individual entity (hospital) level.

Medicare Health Outcomes Survey: Provides data from the Medicare beneficiary survey on health status indicators (e.g. How many diabetics had an eye exam this year).

National Healthcare Quality and Disparities Report: Produced by the AHRQ to show effectiveness, efficiency & safety of care (differences by race/ethnicity, income, etc.) on the national & state level.

Office of Women’s Health – Quick Health Data Online: Health Indicators with a focus on women (eg. mammogram rates).

Part B National Summary Data File: Provides procedure code data of Medicare services and payments.

Shortage Designation – Health Professional Shortage Areas & Medically Underserved Areas/Populations: Areas where there are shortages of primary care physicians.